The Bermuda Triangle: A Selective Bibligraphy

Adams, Michael R. "Texaco Oklahoma: Another Bermuda Triangle Victim?" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 102, no.3 (March 1976): 109-110.

The Bermuda Triangle: A Collection of Articles From the Brevard County Federated Library System. Merritt Island FL: Brevard County Federated Library System, cl975. OCLC 15432889.

The Bermuda Triangle: An Annotated Bibliography. Buffalo NY: B & ECPL Librarians Assn. and the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, cl975. OCLC 2653229.

Brock, Paul. "They Sailed Into Oblivion." The Lookout [Seamen's Church Institute of N.Y.] 62, no.3 (Apr. 1971): 3-4, 11.

Burgess, Robert Forrest. Sinkings, Salvages, and Shipwrecks. New York: American Heritage Press, cl970. OCLC 104609.

Charroux, Robert. Forgotten Worlds: Scientific Secrets of the Ancients and Their Warning for Our Time. New York: Popular Library, cl973. OCLC 10352111.

Dolan, Edward F. The Bermuda Triangle and Other Mysteries of Nature. New York: Bantam, cl980. OCLC 7899556.

Edwards, Frank. Stranger Than Science. Secaucus NJ: Citadel Press, cl987. OCLC 24472013.

Gaddis, Vincent H. Invisible Horizons: True Mysteries of the Sea. Philadelphia PA: Chilton, 1965. OCLC 681276.

Gaffron, Norma. The Bermuda Triangle: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego CA: Greenhaven Press, cl995. OCLC 29848261.

Godwin, John. This Baffling World. New York: Bantam Books, cl968. OCLC 3621448.

Hoehling, Adolph A. They Sailed Into Oblivion. New York: T. Yoseloff, C1959. OCLC 1675249.

Keyhoe, Donald E. The Flying Saucer Conspiracy. New York: Holt, cl955. OCLC 721456.

Kusche, Larry. The Bermuda Triangle Mystery--Solved. Buffalo NY: Prometheus Books, cl986. OCLC 13439973.

Landsburg, Alan. In Search of Ancient Mysteries. New York: Bantam Books, cl974. OCLC 849943.

McDonell, Michael. "Lost Patrol." Naval Aviation News (Jun. 1973): 8-16.

Rosenberg, Howard L. "Exorcising the Devills Triangle" Sealift [Military Sealift Command] 24, no.6 (June 1974): 11-16.

Sanderson, Ivan Terence. Invisible Residents: A Disquisition Upon Certain Matters Maritime, and the Possibility of intelligent Life Under the Waters of This Earth. New York: World Pub. Co., cl970. OCLC 110221.

_____. More Things. New York: Pyramid Books, cl969. OCLC 6449730.

Spencer, John Wallace. Limbo of the Lost -- Today: Actual Stories of the Sea. New York: Bantam Books, cl975. OCLC 2472652.

Stancil, Carol F. The Bermuda Triangle: An Annotated Bibliography. Los Angeles: Reference Section, College Library, UCLA, cl973. OCLC 14197265.

Stewart, Oliver. Danger in the Air. New York: Philosophical Library, cl958. OCLC 1997220.

Titler, Dale Milton. Wings of Mystery: True Stories of Aviation History. New York: Dodd Mead, cl981. OCLC 7282120.

Upchurch, C. Winn. "Jinxed Seas." U.S, Coast Guard Academy Alumni Bulletin (1970): 40-45.

Wilkins, Harold Tom. Strange Mysteries of Time and Space. New York:Citadel Press, cl958. OCLC 1906564.

Winer, Richard. The Devil's Triangle. New York: Bantam Books, cl974. OCLC 1062766.

This bibliography is intended to provide research assistance only, and does not imply any opinion concerning the subject on the part of the US Navy.

12 May 1996


Anonymous said...

Very interesting